We had assignment to create six page wordless story based on tale of our choosing.
I choose "Golden Fish", then we had to pick 3 words that pops to our mind when thinking about that tale, and then 3 words for 3 words that we picked.

Having picked those words, like : fish, wishes, genie, lamp - it was time to create a story.
So I made a story about Genie putting golden fishes into the lamps and selling them as "wishing lamps". Fishes finally realise that they can ask eachother for wishes and they do just that, they wished to become octopus, to be able to fly, to get robot aquarium etc.
And so they defeat Genie, but nothing really changes, now golden fishes are putting Genies into the lamps and selling them.

My friend told me it resembles a litle bit of George Orwels "Animal farm", thats why one of possible names of this story is "Gyvulių ūkis" and another is "Lempa..." / "Lamp..."
It could be reference to lamp where magical creatures are put and three dots is three wishes, but also it could mean "nonsense" (Lithuanians often say "lempa" but they dont mean lamp, they mean something similar to "nonsense"

Cover background is metal conteiner where  magical creatures are keept.

Idea with colours was to make firs half purple/blue, becouse genie has the power, and second half to be more yeallow, becouse fishes now coming to power
And some alternatives

Wordless Book


Wordless Book
